Stress is a major problem, globally.

Most of us are more or less stressed.
And not all stress is bad, but at a certain point it becomes a burden affecting us in our everyday tasks.
75% of American adults reported moderate to high levels of stress in the past month (American Psychological Association).
80% of workers feel stress on the job and nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress. (American Institute of Stress).
The US loses 225 million working days annually by the workers due to stress (Goldstein Research)
Within the EU, stress is the second most common reason for work sick leave generating over EUR 300 billion a year to the economies of each Member State.
Stress is either a cause or a contributory factor in over 85% of chronic diseases, especially those that increase as people age. Thus, an ageing population means more people to care for.
Since the main known determinant of this phenomenon is stress, finding an effective treatment for stress is not only a medical challenge, but also an important economic and social one.
A certain degree of mild stress is a prerequisite for normal, healthy functioning, when the autonomic nervous system that regulates all our vital functions is in balance.
In the case of excess stress, the balance is upset and sympathetic overactivity (hyperarousal) develops, which in turn is treated by activating the parasympathetic system.
Good parasympathetic activity is a required for well-being and health.
In practise, stress means IMBALANCE of parasympathetic nervous system.
And it can be balanced by stimulating the Vagus Nerve.
The easiest way to balance your parasympathetic system is to use EVANES Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) device launched at IndieGoGo platform in Nov 2024.